


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Mongeau, Y. Yang, I. Escalante, N. J. Cowan, and K. Jayaram, “Moving in an Uncertain World: Robust and Adaptive Control of Locomotion from Organisms to Machine Intelligence,” Integr Comp Biol, p. icae121, 2024.
    author = {Jean-Michel Mongeau and Yu Yang and Ignacio Escalante and Noah J. Cowan and Kaushik Jayaram},
    title = {Moving in an Uncertain World: Robust and Adaptive Control of Locomotion from Organisms to Machine Intelligence},
    journal = {Integr Comp Biol},
    pages = {icae121},
    year = 2024,
    month = 08,
    issn = {1540-7063},
    doi = {10.1093/icb/icae121},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. S. Madhav and N. J. Cowan, “The synergy between neuroscience and control theory: the nervous system as inspiration for hard control challenges,” Annu Rev Control Robot Auton Syst, vol. 3, pp. 243-267, 2020.
    author = {Manu S. Madhav and Noah J Cowan},
    title = {The synergy between neuroscience and control theory: the nervous system as inspiration for hard control challenges},
    journal = {Annu Rev Control Robot Auton Syst},
    year = 2020,
    volume = 3,
    pages = {243-267},
    doi = {10.1146/annurev-control-060117-104856},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] E. Roth, S. Sponberg, and N. J. Cowan, “A Comparative Approach to Closed-Loop Computation,” Curr Opin Neurobiol, vol. 25, pp. 54-62, 2014.
    author = {Eatai Roth and Simon Sponberg and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {A Comparative Approach to Closed-Loop Computation},
    journal = {Curr Opin Neurobiol},
    year = 2014,
    volume = 25,
    pages = {54-62},
    doi = {10.1016/j.conb.2013.11.005},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan, M. M. Ankarali, J. P. Dyhr, M. S. Madhav, E. Roth, S. Sefati, S. Sponberg, S. A. Stamper, E. S. Fortune, and T. L. Daniel, “Feedback Control as a Framework for Understanding Tradeoffs in Biology,” Integr Comp Biol, vol. 54, iss. 2, pp. 223-237, 2014.
    author = {Cowan, Noah J. and Ankarali, M. Mert and Dyhr, Jonathan P. and Madhav, Manu S. and Roth, Eatai and Sefati, Shahin and Sponberg, Simon and Stamper, Sarah A. and Fortune, Eric S. and Daniel, Tom L.},
    title = {Feedback Control as a Framework for Understanding Tradeoffs in Biology},
    journal = {Integr Comp Biol},
    volume = 54,
    number = 2,
    pages = {223-237},
    year = 2014,
    issn = {1540-7063},
    doi = {10.1093/icb/icu050},
    url = {}

[ Reviews | Preprints | Journal ArticlesConference Papers | Chapters | Theses | Abstracts | LIMBS Dataverse]


  • [DOI] D. Cao, N. J. Cowan, and J. S. Freudenberg, “Optimal Estimation with Sensor Delay,” arXiv, 2022.
    doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.12123},
    url = {},
    author = {Cao, Di and Cowan, Noah J. and Freudenberg, James S.},
    title = {Optimal Estimation with Sensor Delay},
    journal = {arXiv},
    year = {2022}
  • [DOI] M. S. Madhav, R. P. Jayakumar, B. Li, F. Savelli, J. J. Knierim, and N. J. Cowan, “Closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow,” bioRxiv, 2022.
    author = {Madhav, Manu S. and Jayakumar, Ravikrishnan P. and Li, Brian and Savelli, Francesco and Knierim, James J. and Cowan, Noah J.},
    title = {Closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow},
    year = {2022},
    doi = {10.1101/2022.06.12.495823},
    journal = {bioRxiv}
  • [DOI] E. D. Sontag, D. Biswas, and N. J. Cowan, “An observability result related to active sensing,” arXiv, 2022.
    doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.03848},
    url = {},
    author = {Sontag, Eduardo D. and Biswas, Debojyoti and Cowan, Noah J.},
    title = {An observability result related to active sensing},
    journal = {arXiv},
    year = {2022}
  • [DOI] Y. Yang, D. G. Yared, and N. J. Cowan, “Can a Fish Learn to Ride a Bicycle? Sensorimotor Adaptation to Destabilizing Dynamics in Weakly Electric Fish,” bioRxiv, 2023.
    @article {yangcan2023,
    author = {Yang, Yu and Yared, Dominic G. and Cowan, Noah J.},
    title = {Can a Fish Learn to Ride a Bicycle? {S}ensorimotor Adaptation to Destabilizing Dynamics in Weakly Electric Fish},
    year = {2023},
    doi = {10.1101/2023.01.27.525956},
    URL = {},
    journal = {bioRxiv}

[ Reviews | Preprints | Journal ArticlesConference Papers | Chapters | Theses | Abstracts | LIMBS Dataverse]

Journal Articles

  • [PDF] [DOI] R. Shi, K. Chen, J. Fern, S. Deng, Y. Liu, D. Scalise, Q. Huang, N. J. Cowan, D. H. Gracias, and R. Schulman, “Programming gel automata shapes using DNA instructions,” Nature Communications, vol. 15, iss. 1, p. 7773, 2024.
    author = {Shi, Ruohong and Chen, Kuan-Lin and Fern, Joshua and Deng, Siming and Liu, Yixin and Scalise, Dominic and Huang, Qi and Cowan, Noah J. and Gracias, David H. and Schulman, Rebecca},
    title = {Programming gel automata shapes using DNA instructions},
    journal = {Nature Communications},
    doi = {10.1038/s41467-024-51198-9},
    url = {},
    isbn = {2041-1723},
    number = {1},
    pages = {7773},
    volume = {15},
    year = {2024}
  • [PDF] [DOI] Y. Yang, D. G. Yared, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Sensorimotor adaptation to destabilizing dynamics in weakly electric fish,” Curr Biol, vol. 34, iss. 10, pp. 2118-2131, 2024.
    @article {yangsensorimotor2024,
    author = {Yang, Yu and Yared, Dominic G. and Fortune, Eric S. and Cowan, Noah J.},
    title = {Sensorimotor adaptation to destabilizing dynamics in weakly electric fish},
    year = {2024},
    volume = 34,
    number = 10,
    month = May,
    pages = {2118-2131},
    journal = {Curr Biol},
    doi = {},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. S. Madhav, R. P. Jayakumar, B. Y. Li, S. G. Lashkari, K. Wright, F. Savelli, J. J. Knierim, and N. J. Cowan, “Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow,” Nat Neurosci, vol. 27, iss. 8, p. 1599–1608, 2024.
    author = {Madhav, Manu S. and Jayakumar, Ravikrishnan P. and Li, Brian Y. and Lashkari, Shahin G. and Wright, Kelly and Savelli, Francesco and Knierim, James J. and Cowan, Noah J.},
    title = {Control and recalibration of path integration in place cells using optic flow},
    doi = {10.1038/s41593-024-01681-9},
    url = {},
    isbn = {1546-1726},
    journal = {Nat Neurosci},
    number = {8},
    pages = {1599--1608},
    volume = {27},
    year = {2024}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Biswas, A. Lamperski, Y. Yang, K. Hoffman, J. Guckenheimer, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Mode switching in organisms for solving explore-versus-exploit problems,” Nat Mach Intell, vol. 5, iss. 11, p. 1285–1296, 2023.
    author = {Debojyoti Biswas and Andrew Lamperski and Yu Yang and Kathleen Hoffman and John Guckenheimer and Eric S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Mode switching in organisms for solving explore-versus-exploit problems},
    year = {2023},
    journal = {Nat Mach Intell},
    volume = 5,
    number = 11,
    pages = {1285--1296},
    doi = {10.1038/s42256-023-00745-y},
    URL = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. C. Whitehead, S. Leone, T. Lindsay, M. R. Meiselman, N. J. Cowan, M. H. Dickinson, N. Yapici, D. L. Stern, T. Shirangi, and I. Cohen, “Neuromuscular embodiment of feedback control elements in Drosophila flight,” Sci Adv, vol. 8, iss. 50, p. eabo7461, 2022.
    author = {Samuel C. Whitehead and Sofia Leone and Theodore Lindsay and Matthew R. Meiselman and Noah J. Cowan and Michael H. Dickinson and Nilay Yapici and David L. Stern and Troy Shirangi and Itai Cohen},
    title = {Neuromuscular embodiment of feedback control elements in Drosophila flight},
    journal = {Sci Adv},
    volume = {8},
    number = {50},
    pages = {eabo7461},
    year = {2022},
    doi = {10.1126/sciadv.abo7461},
    URL = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Pantula, B. Datta, Y. Shi, M. Wang, J. Liu, S. Deng, N. J. Cowan, T. D. Nguyen, and D. H. Gracias, “Untethered unidirectionally crawling gels driven by an asymmetry in contact forces,” Sci Robot, vol. 7, iss. 73, p. eadd2903, 2022.
    author = {Aishwarya Pantula and Bibekananda Datta and Yupin Shi and Margaret Wang and Jiayu Liu and Siming Deng and Noah J. Cowan and Thao D. Nguyen and David H. Gracias},
    title = {Untethered unidirectionally crawling gels driven by an asymmetry in contact forces},
    journal = {Sci Robot},
    pages = {eadd2903},
    volume = {7},
    number = {73},
    year = 2022,
    doi = {10.1126/scirobotics.add2903},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. S. Yang, N. J. Cowan, and A. M. Haith, “Control becomes habitual early on when learning a novel motor skill,” J Neurophysiol, vol. 128, iss. 5, pp. 1278-1291, 2022.
    author = {Christopher S. Yang and Noah J. Cowan and Adrian M. Haith},
    title = {Control becomes habitual early on when learning a novel motor skill},
    journal = {J Neurophysiol},
    volume = {128},
    number = {5},
    pages = {1278-1291},
    year = {2022},
    doi = {10.1152/jn.00273.2022},
    pmid =36222408,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Raab, M. S. Madhav, R. P. Jayakumar, J. Henninger, N. J. Cowan, and J. Benda, “Advances in non-invasive tracking of wave-type electric fish in natural and laboratory settings,” Front Integr Neurosci, vol. 16, p. 965211, 2022.
    author = {Till Raab and Manu S. Madhav and Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar and J\"org Henninger and Noah J. Cowan and Jan Benda},
    title = {Advances in non-invasive tracking of wave-type electric fish in natural and laboratory settings},
    journal = {Front Integr Neurosci},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {965211},
    doi = {10.3389/fnint.2022.965211},
    url = {},
    year = 2022
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. P. Vagvolgyi, R. P. Jayakumar, M. S. Madhav, J. J. Knierim, and N. J. Cowan, “Wide-angle, monocular head tracking using passive markers,” J Neurosci Methods, vol. 368, p. 109453, 2022.
    author = {Balazs P. Vagvolgyi and Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar and Manu S. Madhav and James J. Knierim and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Wide-angle, monocular head tracking using passive markers},
    journal = {J Neurosci Methods},
    volume = {368},
    pages = {109453},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109453},
    url = {},
    year = 2022
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. S. Madhav, R. P. Jayakumar, S. G. Lashkari, F. Savelli, H. T. Blair, J. J. Knierim, and N. J. Cowan, “The Dome: a virtual reality apparatus for freely locomoting rodents,” J Neurosci Methods, vol. 368, p. 109336, 2022.
    author = {Manu S. Madhav and Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar and Shahin G. Lashkari and Francescco Savelli
    and Hugh T. Blair and James J. Knierim and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {The Dome: a virtual reality apparatus for freely locomoting rodents},
    journal = {J Neurosci Methods},
    volume = {368},
    pages = {109336},
    doi = {10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109336},
    url = {},
    year = 2022
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. S. Yang, N. J. Cowan, and A. M. Haith, “De novo learning versus adaptation of continuous control in a manual tracking task,” eLife, vol. 10, p. e62578, 2021.
    author = {Christopher S. Yang and Noah J. Cowan and Adrian M. Haith},
    title = {De novo learning versus adaptation of continuous control in a manual tracking task},
    journal = {eLife},
    volume = 10,
    pages = {e62578},
    doi = {10.7554/eLife.62578},
    url = {},
    year = 2021
  • [PDF] [DOI] E. S. Fortune, N. Andanar, M. S. Madhav, R. P. Jayakumar, N. J. Cowan, M. E. Bichuette, and D. Soares, “Spooky interaction at a distance in cave and surface dwelling electric fishes,” Front Integr Neurosci, vol. 14, 2020.
    author = {Eric S. Fortune and Nicole Andanar and Manu S. Madhav and Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar and Noah J. Cowan and Maria Elina Bichuette and Daphne Soares},
    title = {Spooky interaction at a distance in cave and surface dwelling electric fishes},
    journal = {Front Integr Neurosci},
    volume = 14,
    doi = {10.3389/fnint.2020.561524},
    url = {},
    year = 2020
  • [PDF] [DOI] E. E. Sutton, B. Fuerst, R. Ghotbi, N. J. Cowan, and N. Navab, “Biologically Inspired Catheter for Endovascular Sensing and Navigation,” Sci Rep, vol. 10, iss. 1, p. 5643, 2020.
    author = {Erin E. Sutton and Bernhard Fuerst and Reza Ghotbi and Noah J. Cowan and Nassir Navab
    title = {Biologically Inspired Catheter for Endovascular Sensing and Navigation},
    journal = {Sci Rep},
    number = 1,
    volume = 10,
    year = 2020,
    pages = {5643},
    doi = {10.1038/s41598-020-62360-w},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. M. Zimmet, D. Cao, A. J. Bastian, and N. J. Cowan, “Cerebellar patients have intact feedback control that can be leveraged to improve reaching,” eLife, vol. 9, p. e53246, 2020.
    title = {Cerebellar patients have intact feedback control that can be leveraged to improve reaching},
    journal = {eLife},
    author = {Amanda M Zimmet and Di Cao and Amy J Bastian and Noah J Cowan},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {9},
    pages = {e53246},
    doi = {10.7554/eLife.53246},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] I. Uyanik, S. Sefati, S. A. Stamper, K. Cho, M. M. Ankarali, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Variability in locomotor dynamics reveals the critical role of feedback in task control,” eLife, vol. 9, p. e51219, 2020.
    title = {Variability in locomotor dynamics reveals the critical role of feedback in task control},
    journal = {eLife},
    author = {Ismail Uyanik and Shahin Sefati and Sarah A Stamper and Kyoung-A Cho and M Mert Ankarali and Eric S Fortune and Noah J Cowan},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {9},
    pages = {e51219},
    doi = {10.7554/eLife.51219},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. W. Nickl, M. M. Ankarali, and N. Cowan, “Complementary spatial and timing control in rhythmic arm movements,” J Neurophysiol, vol. 121, iss. 4, p. 1543–1560, 2019.
    title = {Complementary spatial and timing control in rhythmic
    arm movements},
    journal = {J Neurophysiol},
    author = {Robert W. Nickl and M. Mert Ankarali and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    year = 2019,
    pages = {1543--1560},
    number = 4,
    volume = 121,
    doi = {10.1152/jn.00194.2018},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] I. Uyanik, S. A. Stamper, N. J. Cowan, and E. S. Fortune, “Sensory Cues Modulate Smooth Pursuit and Active Sensing Movements,” Front Behav Neurosci, vol. 13, iss. 59, 2019.
    author = {Ismail Uyanik and Sarah A. Stamper and Noah J. Cowan
    and Eric S. Fortune},
    title = {Sensory Cues Modulate Smooth Pursuit and Active
    Sensing Movements},
    journal = {Front Behav Neurosci},
    year = 2019,
    volume = 13,
    number = 59,
    doi = {10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00059},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. P. Jayakumar, M. S. Madhav, F. Savelli, H. T. Blair, N. Cowan, and J. J. Knierim, “Recalibration of path integration in hippocampal place cells,” Nature, vol. 566, iss. 745, p. 533–-537, 2019.
    title = {Recalibration of path integration in hippocampal
    place cells},
    author = {Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar and Manu S. Madhav and
    Francesco Savelli and Hugh T. Blair and Noah
    J. Cowan and James J. Knierim},
    journal = {Nature},
    volume = 566,
    number = 745,
    pages = {533–-537},
    pmid = 30742074,
    year = 2019,
    doi = {10.1038/s41586-019-0939-3},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Biswas, L. A. Arend, S. Stamper, B. P. Vágvölgyi, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Closed-Loop Control of Active Sensing Movements Regulates Sensory Slip,” Curr Biol, vol. 28, iss. 4, 2018.
    title = {Closed-Loop Control of Active Sensing Movements
    Regulates Sensory Slip},
    author = {Debojyoti Biswas and Luke A. Arend and Sarah
    A. Stamper and Bal\'{a}zs P. V\'{a}gv\"{o}lgyi and
    Eric S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    journal = {Curr Biol},
    year = 2018,
    volume = 28,
    number = 4,
    pmid = 30503617,
    doi = {10.1016/j.cub.2018.11.002},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] I. Uyanik, U. Saranli, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, and O. Morgul, “Frequency-Domain Subspace Identification of Linear Time Periodic (LTP) Systems,” IEEE Trans Autom Control, vol. 64, iss. 6, p. 2529–2536, 2018.
    author = {I. Uyanik and U. Saranli and M. M. Ankarali and
    N. J. Cowan and O. Morgul},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Autom Control},
    title = {Frequency-Domain Subspace Identification of Linear
    Time Periodic ({LTP}) Systems},
    year = 2018,
    volume = 64,
    number = 6,
    pages = {2529--2536},
    doi = {10.1109/TAC.2018.2867360},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. M. Zimmet, N. J. Cowan, and A. Bastian, “Patients with cerebellar ataxia do not benefit from limb weights,” Cerebellum, vol. 18, iss. 1, 2018.
    author = {Amanda M. Zimmet and Noah J. Cowan and Amy
    J. Bastian},
    title = {Patients with cerebellar ataxia do not benefit from
    limb weights},
    journal = {Cerebellum},
    volume = 18,
    number = 1,
    year = 2018,
    doi = {10.1007/s12311-018-0962-1},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] E. D. Tytell, J. A. Carr, N. Danos, C. Wagenbach, C. M. Sullivan, T. Kiemel, N. J. Cowan, and M. Mert Ankarali, “Body stiffness and damping depend sensitively on the timing of muscle activation in lampreys,” Integr Comp Biol, 2018.
    author = {Eric D. Tytell and Jennifer A. Carr and Nicole Danos
    and Christopher Wagenbach and Caitlin M. Sullivan
    and Tim Kiemel and Noah J. Cowan and M. Mert
    title = {Body stiffness and damping depend sensitively on the
    timing of muscle activation in lampreys},
    journal = {Integr Comp Biol},
    year = 2018,
    doi = {10.1093/icb/icy042},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. S. Madhav, R. P. Jayakumar, A. Demir, S. A. Stamper, E. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “High-resolution behavioral mapping of electric fishes in Amazonian habitats,” Sci Rep, vol. 8, iss. 1, p. 5830, 2018.
    author = {Manu S. Madhav and Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar and
    Alican Demir and Sarah A. Stamper and Eric
    S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {High-resolution behavioral mapping of electric
    fishes in Amazonian habitats},
    journal = {Sci Rep},
    number = 1,
    volume = 8,
    year = 2018,
    pages = {5830},
    doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-24035-5},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] E. E. Sutton, A. Demir, S. A. Stamper, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Dynamic modulation of visual and electrosensory gains for locomotor control,” J R Soc Interface, vol. 13, iss. 118, p. 20160057, 2016.
    author = {Erin E. Sutton and Alican Demir and Sarah A. Stamper
    and Eric S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Dynamic modulation of visual and electrosensory
    gains for locomotor control},
    journal = {J R Soc Interface},
    month = may,
    volume = 13,
    number = 118,
    year = 2016,
    pages = 20160057,
    doi = {10.1098/rsif.2016.0057},
    url = {},
    note = {PMC4892261}
  • [PDF] [DOI] I. Uyanik, M. M. Ankarali, N. Cowan, U. Saranli, and O. Morgul, “Identification of a vertical hopping robot model via harmonic transfer functions,” Trans Inst Measurement Control, vol. 38, iss. 5, p. 501–511, 2016.
    author = {Ismail Uyanik and Mustafa M. Ankarali and Noah
    J. Cowan and Uluc Saranli and Omer Morgul},
    title = {Identification of a vertical hopping robot model via
    harmonic transfer functions},
    journal = {Trans Inst Measurement Control},
    year = 2016,
    volume = 38,
    number = 5,
    pages = {501--511},
    doi = {10.1177/0142331215583327},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Lamperski and N. J. Cowan, “Optimal control with noisy time,” IEEE Trans Autom Control, vol. 61, iss. 2, p. 319–333, 2016.
    author = {Andrew Lamperski and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Optimal control with noisy time},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Autom Control},
    volume = 61,
    number = 2,
    pages = {319--333},
    year = 2016,
    month = feb,
    doi = {10.1109/TAC.2015.2444234},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. M. Ankarali, S. Sefati, M. Madhav, A. Long, A. Bastian, and N. Cowan, “Walking dynamics are symmetric (enough),” J R Soc Interface, vol. 12, iss. 108, p. 20150209, 2015.
    author = {M. Mert Ankarali and Shahin Sefati and Manu
    S. Madhav and Andrew Long and Amy Bastian and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    title = {Walking dynamics are symmetric (enough)},
    volume = 12,
    number = 108,
    journal = {J R Soc Interface},
    year = 2015,
    pages = 20150209,
    doi = {10.1098/rsif.2015.0209},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Swensen, M. Lin, A. Okamura, and N. J. Cowan, “Torsional dynamics of steerable needles: modeling and fluoroscopic guidance,” IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 66, iss. 11, p. 2707–2717, 2014.
    author = {John P. Swensen and MingDe Lin and Allison
    M. Okamura and Noah J. Cowan},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Biomed Eng},
    title = {Torsional dynamics of steerable needles: modeling
    and fluoroscopic guidance},
    year = 2014,
    month = nov,
    volume = 66,
    number = 11,
    pages = {2707--2717},
    doi = {10.1109/TBME.2014.2326161},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Mongeau, A. Demir, C. Dallmann, K. Jayaram, N. J. Cowan, and R. J. Full, “Mechanical processing via passive dynamic properties of the cockroach antenna can facilitate control during rapid running,” J Exp Biol, vol. 217, iss. 18, p. 3333–3345, 2014.
    title = {Mechanical processing via passive dynamic properties
    of the cockroach antenna can facilitate control
    during rapid running},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    author = {Jean-Michel Mongeau and Alican Demir and Chris
    J. Dallmann and Kaushik Jayaram and Noah J. Cowan
    and Robert J. Full},
    year = 2014,
    volume = 217,
    number = 18,
    pages = {3333--3345},
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.101501},
    url = {},
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. M. Ankarali, T. H. Sen, A. De, A. M. Okamura, and N. J. Cowan, “Haptic feedback enhances rhythmic motor control by reducing variability, not improving convergence rate,” J Neurophysiol, vol. 111, iss. 6, p. 1286–1299, 2014.
    title = {Haptic feedback enhances rhythmic motor control by
    reducing variability, not improving convergence
    journal = {J Neurophysiol},
    author = {M. Mert Ankarali and H. Tutkun Sen and Avik De
    and Allison M. Okamura and Noah J. Cowan},
    year = 2014,
    pages = {1286--1299},
    number = 6,
    doi = {10.1152/jn.00140.2013},
    volume = 111,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Mongeau, A. Demir, J. Lee, N. J. Cowan, and R. J. Full, “Locomotion- and mechanics-mediated tactile sensing: antenna reconfiguration simplifies control during high-speed navigation in cockroaches,” J Exp Biol, vol. 216, iss. 24, p. 4530–4541, 2013.
    author = {Jean-Michel Mongeau and Alican Demir and Jusuk Lee
    and Noah J. Cowan and Robert J. Full},
    title = {Locomotion- and mechanics-mediated tactile sensing:
    antenna reconfiguration simplifies control during
    high-speed navigation in cockroaches},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    volume = 216,
    number = 24,
    pages = {4530--4541},
    year = 2013,
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.083477},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Rosenberg, N. J. Cowan, and D. Angelaki, “The visual representation of 3D object orientation in parietal cortex,” J Neurosci, vol. 33, iss. 49, p. 19352–19361, 2013.
    author = {Ari Rosenberg and Noah J. Cowan and Dora
    E. Angelaki},
    title = {The visual representation of 3{D} object orientation
    in parietal cortex},
    journal = {J Neurosci},
    year = 2013,
    volume = 33,
    number = 49,
    pages = {19352--19361},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3174-13.2013},
    note = {PMC3850047}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. Sefati, I. D. Neveln, E. Roth, T. Mitchell, J. B. Snyder, M. MacIver, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Mutually opposing forces during locomotion can eliminate the tradeoff between maneuverability and stability,” Proc Nat Acad Sci, vol. 110, iss. 47, p. 18798–18803, 2013.
    author = {Shahin Sefati and Izaak D. Neveln and Eatai Roth and
    Terence Mitchell and James B. Snyder and Malcolm
    A. MacIver and Eric S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Mutually opposing forces during locomotion can
    eliminate the tradeoff between maneuverability and
    journal = {Proc Nat Acad Sci},
    year = 2013,
    volume = 110,
    number = 47,
    pages = {18798--18803},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1073/pnas.1309300110},
    note = {PMC3839770}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. S. Madhav, S. A. Stamper, E. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Closed-loop stabilization of the jamming avoidance response reveals its locally unstable and globally nonlinear dynamics,” J Exp Biol, vol. 216, iss. 22, p. 4272–4284, 2013.
    title = {Closed-loop stabilization of the jamming avoidance
    response reveals its locally unstable and globally
    nonlinear dynamics},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    author = {Manu S. Madhav and Sarah A. Stamper and Eric
    S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    year = 2013,
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.088922},
    url = {},
    volume = 216,
    number = 22,
    pages = {4272--4284}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Dyhr, T. L. Daniel, K. Morgansen, and N. J. Cowan, “Flexible strategies for flight control: an active role for the abdomen,” J Exp Biol, vol. 216, iss. 9, p. 1523–1536, 2013.
    title = {Flexible strategies for flight control: an active
    role for the abdomen},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    pages = {1523--1536},
    volume = 216,
    number = 9,
    author = {Jonathan P. Dyhr and Tom L. Daniel and Kristi
    A. Morgansen and Noah J. Cowan},
    year = 2013,
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.077644},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan, E. J. Chastain, D. Vilhena, J. S. Freudenberg, and C. Bergstrom, “Nodal dynamics, not degree distributions, determine the structural controllability of complex networks,” PLoS ONE, vol. 7, iss. 6, p. e38398, 2012.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Erick J. Chastain and Daril
    A. Vilhena and James S. Freudenberg and Carl
    T. Bergstrom},
    title = {Nodal dynamics, not degree distributions, determine
    the structural controllability of complex networks},
    journal = {PLoS ONE},
    year = 2012,
    volume = 7,
    pages = {e38398},
    number = 6,
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0038398},
    note = {PMC3382243}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. A. Stamper, M. S. Madhav, N. Cowan, and E. S. Fortune, “Beyond the jamming avoidance response: weakly electric fish respond to the envelope of social electrosensory signals,” J Exp Biol, vol. 215, iss. 23, p. 4196–4207, 2012.
    author = {Sarah A. Stamper and Manu S. Madhav and Noah
    J. Cowan and Eric S. Fortune},
    title = {Beyond the jamming avoidance response: weakly
    electric fish respond to the envelope of social
    electrosensory signals},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    year = 2012,
    volume = 215,
    pages = {4196--4207},
    number = 23,
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.076513},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. A. Stamper, E. Roth, N. J. Cowan, and E. S. Fortune, “Active sensing via movement shapes spatiotemporal patterns of sensory feedback,” J Exp Biol, vol. 215, iss. 9, p. 1567–1574, 2012.
    author = {Sarah A. Stamper and Eatai Roth and Noah J. Cowan
    and Eric S. Fortune},
    title = {Active sensing via movement shapes spatiotemporal
    patterns of sensory feedback},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    year = 2012,
    volume = 215,
    pages = {1567--1574},
    number = 9,
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.068007},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] K. B. Reed, A. Majewicz, V. Kallem, R. Alterovitz, K. Goldberg, N. J. Cowan, and A. M. Okamura, “Robot-assisted needle steering,” IEEE Robot Autom Mag, vol. 18, iss. 4, p. 35–46, 2011.
    author = {Kyle B. Reed and Ann Majewicz and Vinutha Kallem and
    Ron Alterovitz and Ken Goldberg and Noah J. Cowan
    and Allison M. Okamura},
    title = {Robot-assisted needle steering},
    journal = {IEEE Robot Autom Mag},
    year = 2011,
    volume = 18,
    pages = {35--46},
    number = 4,
    doi = {10.1109/MRA.2011.942997},
    url = {},
    note = {PMC3460644}
  • [PDF] [DOI] E. Roth, K. Zhuang, S. A. Stamper, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Stimulus predictability mediates a switch in locomotor smooth pursuit performance for Eigenmannia virescens,” J Exp Biol, vol. 214, iss. 7, p. 1170–1180, 2011.
    author = {Eatai Roth and Katie Zhuang and Sarah A. Stamper and
    Eric S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Stimulus predictability mediates a switch in
    locomotor smooth pursuit performance for
    {E}igenmannia virescens},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    year = 2011,
    volume = 214,
    pages = {1170--1180},
    number = 7,
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.048124},
    url = {},
    pmid = 21389203
  • [PDF] [DOI] V. Kallem, D. E. Chang, and N. J. Cowan, “Task-induced symmetry and reduction with application to needle steering,” IEEE Trans Autom Control, vol. 55, iss. 3, p. 664–673, 2010.
    author = {Vinutha Kallem and Dong Eui Chang and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Task-induced symmetry and reduction with application
    to needle steering},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Autom Control},
    year = 2010,
    volume = 55,
    pages = {664--673},
    number = 3,
    month = mar,
    note = {PMC2871331},
    doi = {10.1109/TAC.2009.2039241},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. D. Rucker, R. J. Webster III, G. S. Chirikjian, and N. J. Cowan, “Equilibrium conformations of concentric-tube continuum robots,” Int J Robot Res, vol. 29, p. 1263–1280, 2010.
    author = {D. Caleb Rucker and Robert J. {Webster III} and
    Gregory S. Chirikjian and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Equilibrium conformations of concentric-tube
    continuum robots},
    journal = {Int J Robot Res},
    year = 2010,
    volume = 29,
    pages = {1263--1280},
    doi = {10.1177/0278364910367543},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. G. Carver, N. J. Cowan, and J. M Guckenheimer, “Lateral stability of the spring-mass hopper suggests a two step control strategy for running,” Chaos, vol. 19, iss. 2, 2009.
    author = {Sean G. Carver and Noah J. Cowan and John M
    title = {Lateral stability of the spring-mass hopper suggests
    a two step control strategy for running},
    journal = {Chaos},
    year = 2009,
    volume = 19,
    number = 2,
    doi = {10.1063/1.3127577},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. G. Carver, T. Kiemel, N. J. Cowan, and J. J. Jeka, “Optimal motor control may mask sensory dynamics,” Biol Cybern, vol. 101, iss. 1, p. 35–42, 2009.
    author = {Sean G. Carver and Timothy Kiemel and Noah J. Cowan
    and John J. Jeka},
    title = {Optimal motor control may mask sensory dynamics},
    journal = {Biol Cybern},
    year = 2009,
    volume = 101,
    pages = {35--42},
    number = 1,
    doi = {10.1007/s00422-009-0313-x},
    url = {},
    note = {PMC2778031}
  • [PDF] [DOI] V. Kallem and N. J. Cowan, “Image guidance of flexible tip-steerable needles,” IEEE Trans Robot, vol. 25, iss. 1, p. 191–196, 2009.
    author = {Vinutha Kallem and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Image guidance of flexible tip-steerable needles},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Robot},
    year = 2009,
    volume = 25,
    pages = {191--196},
    note = {PMC2860577},
    number = 1,
    doi = {10.1109/TRO.2008.2010357},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] K. B. Reed, A. M. Okamura, and N. Cowan, “Modeling and control of needles with torsional friction,” IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 56, iss. 12, p. 2905–2916, 2009.
    author = {Kyle B. Reed and Allison M. Okamura and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    title = {Modeling and control of needles with torsional
    journal = {IEEE Trans Biomed Eng},
    year = 2009,
    volume = 56,
    pages = {2905--2916},
    number = 12,
    month = dec,
    note = {PMC2859043},
    doi = {10.1109/TBME.2009.2029240},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. J. Webster III, J. M. Romano, and N. J. Cowan, “Mechanics of precurved-tube continuum robots,” IEEE Trans Robot, vol. 25, iss. 1, p. 67–78, 2009.
    author = {Robert J. {Webster III} and Joseph M. Romano and
    Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Mechanics of precurved-tube continuum robots},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Robot},
    year = 2009,
    volume = 25,
    pages = {67--78},
    number = 1,
    doi = {10.1109/TRO.2008.2006868},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. G. Carver, E. Roth, N. J. Cowan, and E. S. Fortune, “Synaptic plasticity can produce and enhance direction selectivity,” PLoS Comp Biol, vol. 4, iss. 2, 2008.
    author = {Sean G. Carver and Eatai Roth and Noah J. Cowan and
    Eric S. Fortune},
    title = {Synaptic plasticity can produce and enhance
    direction selectivity},
    journal = {PLoS Comp Biol},
    year = 2008,
    volume = 4,
    number = 2,
    note = {PMC2242823},
    doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.0040032},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Lee, S. N. Sponberg, O. Y. Loh, A. G. Lamperski, R. J. Full, and N. Cowan, “Templates and anchors for antenna-based wall following in cockroaches and robots,” IEEE Trans Robot, vol. 24, iss. 1, p. 130–143, 2008.
    author = {Jusuk Lee and Simon N. Sponberg and Owen Y. Loh and
    Andrew G. Lamperski and Robert J. Full and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    title = {Templates and anchors for antenna-based wall
    following in cockroaches and robots},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Robot},
    year = 2008,
    volume = 24,
    pages = {130--143},
    number = 1,
    doi = {10.1109/TRO.2007.913981},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan, “Navigation functions on cross product spaces,” IEEE Trans Autom Control, vol. 52, iss. 7, p. 1297–1302, 2007.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Navigation functions on cross product spaces},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Autom Control},
    year = 2007,
    volume = 52,
    pages = {1297--1302},
    number = 7,
    doi = {10.1109/TAC.2007.900834},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan and E. S. Fortune, “The critical role of locomotion mechanics in decoding sensory systems,” J Neurosci, vol. 27, iss. 5, p. 1123–1128, 2007.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Eric S. Fortune},
    title = {The critical role of locomotion mechanics in
    decoding sensory systems},
    journal = {J Neurosci},
    year = 2007,
    volume = 27,
    pages = {1123--1128},
    number = 5,
    doi = {10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4198-06.2007},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan, J. Lee, and R. J. Full, “Task-level control of rapid wall following in the American cockroach,” J Exp Biol, vol. 209, iss. 9, p. 1617–1629, 2006.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Jusuk Lee and Robert J. Full},
    title = {Task-level control of rapid wall following in the
    {A}merican cockroach},
    journal = {J Exp Biol},
    year = 2006,
    volume = 209,
    pages = {1617--1629},
    number = 9,
    doi = {10.1242/jeb.02166},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. J. Webster III, J. S. Kim, N. J. Cowan, G. S. Chirikjian, and A. M. Okamura, “Nonholonomic modeling of needle steering,” Int J Robot Res, vol. 25, iss. 5/6, p. 509–526, 2006.
    author = {Rober J. {Webster III} and Jin S. Kim and Noah J. Cowan
    and Gregory S. Chirikjian and
    Allison M. Okamura},
    title = {Nonholonomic modeling of needle steering},
    journal = {Int J Robot Res},
    year = 2006,
    volume = 25,
    pages = {509--526},
    number = {5/6},
    month = May,
    doi = {10.1177/0278364906065388},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan and D. E. Chang, “Geometric visual servoing,” IEEE Trans Robot, vol. 21, iss. 6, p. 1128–1138, 2005.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Dong E. Chang},
    title = {Geometric visual servoing},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Robot},
    year = 2005,
    volume = 21,
    pages = {1128--1138},
    number = 6,
    month = Dec,
    doi = {10.1109/TRO.2005.853491},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan, J. D. Weingarten, and D. Koditschek, “Visual servoing via navigation functions,” IEEE Trans Robot Automat, vol. 18, iss. 4, p. 521–533, 2002.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Joel D. Weingarten and Daniel
    E. Koditschek},
    title = {Visual servoing via navigation functions},
    journal = {IEEE Trans Robot Automat},
    year = 2002,
    volume = 18,
    pages = {521--533},
    number = 4,
    doi = {10.1109/TRA.2002.802202},
    url = {}

[ Reviews | Preprints | Journal ArticlesConference Papers | Chapters | Theses | Abstracts | LIMBS Dataverse]

Conference Papers

  • S. Deng, J. Liu, B. Datta, A. Pantula, D. H. Gracias, T. D. Nguyen, B. A. Bittner, and N. J. Cowan, “A Data-Driven Approach to Geometric Modeling of Systems with Low-Bandwidth Actuator Dynamics,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, 2024.
    author = {Siming Deng and Junning Liu and Bibekananda Datta and Aishwarya Pantula and David H. Gracias and Thao D. Nguyen and Brian A. Bittner and Noah J. Cowan},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    title = {A Data-Driven Approach to Geometric Modeling of Systems with Low-Bandwidth Actuator Dynamics},
    year = 2024,
    note = {Accepted}
  • S. Deng, N. J. Cowan, and B. A. Bittner, “Adaptive Gait Modeling and Optimization for Principally Kinematic Systems,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, 2024.
    author = {Siming Deng and Noah J. Cowan and Brian A. Bittner},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    title = {Adaptive Gait Modeling and Optimization for Principally Kinematic Systems},
    doi = {},
    year = 2024,
    note = {Accepted}
  • [PDF] S. Deng, R. L. Hatton, and N. J. Cowan, “Enhancing Maneuverability via Gait Design,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, 2022, pp. 5799-5805.
    author = {Deng, Siming and Hatton, Ross L. and Cowan, Noah J.},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    title = {Enhancing Maneuverability via Gait Design},
    pages = {5799-5805},
    year = 2022
  • [PDF] S. Cutlip, J. Freudenberg, N. Cowan, and B. R. Gillespie, “Haptic Feedback and the Internal Model Principle,” in IEEE World Haptics Conf, 2019, pp. 568-573.
    author = {Cutlip, Steven and Freudenberg, Jim and Cowan, Noah
    and Gillespie, R Brent},
    booktitle = {IEEE World Haptics Conf},
    title = {Haptic Feedback and the Internal Model Principle},
    pages = {568-573},
    year = 2019
  • [PDF] D. Ehrens, F. Assaf, N. Cowan, S. V. Sarma, and Y. Schiller, “Ultra Broad Band Neural Activity Portends Seizure Onset in a Rat Model of Epilepsy,” in Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2018.
    author = {Ehrens, Daniel and Assaf, Fadi and Cowan, Noah
    J. and Sarma, Sridevi V. and Schiller, Yitzhak},
    booktitle = {Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc},
    month = jul,
    publisher = {IEEE},
    title = {Ultra Broad Band Neural Activity Portends Seizure
    Onset in a Rat Model of Epilepsy},
    year = 2018
  • [PDF] A. Kunapareddy and N. J. Cowan, “Recovering observability via active sensing,” in Proc Amer Control Conf, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2018, p. 2821–2826.
    author = {Abhinav Kunapareddy and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Recovering observability via active sensing},
    booktitle = {Proc Amer Control Conf},
    year = 2018,
    address = {Milwaukee, WI, USA},
    pages = {2821--2826}
  • [PDF] B. Fuerst, E. E. Sutton, R. Ghotbi, N. J. Cowan, and N. Navab, “Bioelectric navigation: a new paradigm for intravascular device guidance,” in Proc Med Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2016.
    Author = {Fuerst, B. and Sutton, E. E. and Ghotbi, R. and
    Cowan, N. J. and Navab, N.},
    booktitle = {Proc Med Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention},
    Editor = {S{\'e}bastien Ourselin and William Wells and Mert
    R. Sabuncu and G{\"o}zde Unal and Leo Joskowicz},
    Publisher = {Springer},
    Series = {LNCS},
    Title = {Bioelectric navigation: a new paradigm for
    intravascular device guidance},
    Volume = 9902,
    Year = 2016
  • [PDF] I. Uyanik, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, O. Morgul, and U. Saranli, “Toward data-driven models of legged locomotion using harmonic transfer functions,” in Int Conf Advanced Robotics, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015, p. 357–362.
    author = {Ismail Uyanik and M. Mert Ankarali and Noah J. Cowan
    and Omer Morgul and Uluc Saranli},
    title = {Toward data-driven models of legged locomotion using
    harmonic transfer functions},
    booktitle = {Int Conf Advanced Robotics},
    pages = {357--362},
    year = 2015,
    organization = {IEEE},
    address = {Istanbul, Turkey},
    month = {July}
  • [PDF] I. Uyanik, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, U. Saranli, O. Morgul, and H. Ozbay, “Independent estimation of input and measurement delays for a hybrid vertical spring-mass-damper via harmonic transfer functions,” in IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2015.
    author = {Ismail Uyanik and M. Mert Ankarali and Noah J. Cowan
    and Uluc Saranli and Omer Morgul and Hitay Ozbay},
    title = {Independent estimation of input and measurement
    delays for a hybrid vertical spring-mass-damper via
    harmonic transfer functions},
    booktitle = {IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems},
    year = 2015,
    address = {Ann Arbor, MI, USA},
    month = {June}
  • [PDF] S. Sefati, N. J. Cowan, and R. Vidal, “Linear systems with sparse inputs: observability and input recovery,” in Proc Amer Control Conf, Chicago, IL, USA, 2015, p. 5251–5257.
    author = {Shahin Sefati and Noah J. Cowan and Ren\'e Vidal},
    title = {Linear systems with sparse inputs: observability and
    input recovery},
    booktitle = {Proc Amer Control Conf},
    pages = {5251--5257},
    year = 2015,
    organization = {IEEE},
    address = {Chicago, IL, USA}
  • [PDF] S. Sefati, N. J. Cowan, and R. Vidal, “Learning shared, discriminative dictionaries for surgical gesture segmentation and classification,” in Proc Med Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Munich, Germany, 2015.
    author = {Shahin Sefati and Noah J. Cowan and Ren\'e Vidal},
    title = {Learning shared, discriminative dictionaries for
    surgical gesture segmentation and classification},
    booktitle = {Proc Med Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention},
    year = 2015,
    address = {Munich, Germany},
    month = {October}
  • [PDF] M. M. Ankarali and N. J. Cowan, “System identification of rhythmic hybrid dynamical systems via discrete time harmonic transfer functions,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2014.
    author = {M. Mert Ankarali and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {System identification of rhythmic hybrid dynamical
    systems via discrete time harmonic transfer
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control},
    year = 2014,
    address = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
    month = {December}
  • [PDF] A. Lamperski and N. J. Cowan, “Time-changed linear quadratic regulators,” in Proc Euro Control Conf, Zurich, Switzerland, 2013.
    author = {Andrew Lamperski and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Time-changed linear quadratic regulators},
    booktitle = {Proc Euro Control Conf},
    year = 2013,
    address = {Zurich, Switzerland},
    month = jul
  • [PDF] S. G. Carver, E. S. Fortune, and N. Cowan, “State-estimation and cooperative control with uncertain time,” in Proc Amer Control Conf, Washington, DC, USA, 2013, p. 2990–2995.
    author = {Sean G. Carver and Eric S. Fortune and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    title = {State-estimation and cooperative control with
    uncertain time},
    booktitle = {Proc Amer Control Conf},
    year = 2013,
    pages = {2990--2995},
    address = {Washington, DC, USA},
    month = jun,
    publisher = {IEEE}
  • [PDF] J. P. Swensen and N. J. Cowan, “Torsional dynamics compensation enhances robotic control of tip-steerable needles,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, 2012.
    author = {John P. Swensen and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Torsional dynamics compensation enhances robotic
    control of tip-steerable needles},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 2012,
    month = may
  • [PDF] J. P. Swensen and N. J. Cowan, “An almost global estimator on SO(3) with measurement on $S^2$,” in Proc Amer Control Conf, 2012.
    author = {John P. Swensen and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {An almost global estimator on {SO}(3) with
    measurement on {$S^2$}},
    booktitle = {Proc Amer Control Conf},
    year = 2012,
    month = jun
  • [PDF] S. Sefati, I. Neveln, M. MacIver, E. S. Fortune, and N. J. Cowan, “Counter-propagating waves enhance maneuverability and stability: a bio-inspired strategy for robotic ribbon-fin propulsion,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf on Biomed Robot and Biomech, Rome, Italy, 2012.
    author = {Shahin Sefati and Izaak Neveln and Malcolm
    A. MacIver and Eric S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Counter-propagating waves enhance maneuverability
    and stability: a bio-inspired strategy for robotic
    ribbon-fin propulsion},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf on Biomed Robot and Biomech},
    year = 2012,
    address = {Rome, Italy}
  • [PDF] E. Roth, M. B. Reiser, M. Dickinson, and N. J. Cowan, “A task-level model for optomotor yaw regulation in Drosophila melanogaster: a frequency-domain system identification approach,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control, 2012.
    author = {Eatai Roth and Michael B. Reiser and Michael
    H. Dickinson and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {A task-level model for optomotor yaw regulation in
    {D}rosophila melanogaster: a frequency-domain system
    identification approach},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control},
    year = 2012
  • [PDF] J. P. Dyhr, N. J. Cowan, D. J. Colmenares, K. A. Morgansen, and T. Daniel, “Autostabilizing airframe articulation: Animal inspired air vehicle control,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control, 2012.
    author = {Dyhr, Jonathan P. and Cowan, Noah J. and Colmenares,
    David J. and Morgansen, Kristi A. and Daniel, Tom
    title = {Autostabilizing airframe articulation: Animal
    inspired air vehicle control},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control},
    year = 2012
  • [PDF] A. Demir, M. M. Ankarali, J. Dyhr, K. A. Morgansen, T. L. Daniel, and N. J. Cowan, “Inertial redirection of thrust forces for flight stabilization,” in Proc Conf on Climbing and Walking Robots, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2012.
    author = {Alican Demir and M. Mert Ankarali and Jonathan
    P. Dyhr and Kristi A. Morgansen and Tom L. Daniel
    and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Inertial redirection of thrust forces for flight
    booktitle = {Proc Conf on Climbing and Walking Robots},
    year = 2012,
    address = {Baltimore, MD, USA}
  • [PDF] V. Kallem, D. E. Chang, and N. J. Cowan, “Observer design for needle steering using task-induced symmetry and reduction,” in World Cong Intl Fed Autom Control, Milan, Italy, 2011.
    author = {Vinutha Kallem and Dong Eui Chang and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Observer design for needle steering using
    task-induced symmetry and reduction},
    booktitle = {World Cong Intl Fed Autom Control},
    year = 2011,
    address = {Milan, Italy},
    month = aug
  • [PDF] A. De, J. Lee, N. Keller, and N. Cowan, “Toward SLAM on graphs,” in Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, Berlin, 2010, p. 631–646.
    author = {Avik De and Jusuk Lee and Nicholas Keller and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    title = {Toward {SLAM} on graphs},
    booktitle = {Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics},
    publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
    year = 2010,
    editor = {Gregory S. Chirikjian and Howie Choset and Marco
    Morales and Todd Murphey},
    series = {Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics},
    pages = {631--646},
    address = {Berlin}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Demir, E. W. Samson, and N. J. Cowan, “A tunable physical model of arthropod antennae,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Anchorage, AK, USA, 2010, pp. 3793-3798.
    author = {Alican Demir and Edward W. Samson and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {A tunable physical model of arthropod antennae},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 2010,
    pages = {3793-3798},
    address = {Anchorage, AK, USA},
    month = may,
    doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509323},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] R. J. Webster III, J. P. Swensen, J. M. Romano, and N. J. Cowan, “Closed-form differential kinematics for concentric-tube continuum robots with application to visual servoing,” in Proc Int Symp Exp Robot, 2009, pp. 485-494.
    author = {Robert J. {Webster III} and John P. Swensen and
    Joseph M. Romano and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Closed-form differential kinematics for
    concentric-tube continuum robots with application to
    visual servoing},
    booktitle = {Proc Int Symp Exp Robot},
    year = 2009,
    volume = 54,
    pages = {485-494},
    issue = 1
  • [PDF] K. B. Reed, A. M. Okamura, and N. J. Cowan, “Controlling a robotically steered needle in the presence of torsional friction,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Kobe, Japan, 2009, pp. 3476-3481.
    author = {Reed, Kyle B. and Okamura, Allison M. and Cowan,
    Noah J.},
    title = {Controlling a robotically steered needle in the
    presence of torsional friction},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 2009,
    pages = {3476-3481},
    address = {Kobe, Japan},
    month = apr,
    note = {PMC3040793}
  • [PDF] R. J. Webster III, J. M. Romano, and N. J. Cowan, “Kinematics and calibration of active cannulas,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, 2008, pp. 3888-3895.
    author = {Robert J. {Webster III} and Joseph M. Romano and
    Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Kinematics and calibration of active cannulas},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 2008,
    pages = {3888-3895}
  • [PDF] K. B. Reed, V. Kallem, R. Alterovitz, K. Goldberg, A. M. Okamura, and N. Cowan, “Integrated planning and image-guided control for planar needle-steering,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf on Biomed Robot and Biomech, Scottsdale, AR, USA, 2008, pp. 819-824.
    author = {Kyle B. Reed and Vinutha Kallem and Ron Alterovitz
    and Ken Goldberg and Allison M. Okamura and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    title = {Integrated planning and image-guided control for
    planar needle-steering},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf on Biomed Robot and Biomech},
    year = 2008,
    pages = {819-824},
    address = {Scottsdale, AR, USA},
    month = oct,
    note = {PMC2905598}
  • [PDF] J. Lee, O. Y. Loh, and N. J. Cowan, “A hierarchy of neuromechanical and robotic models of antenna-based wall following in cockroaches,” in Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007, pp. 3547-3553.
    author = {Jusuk Lee and Owen Y. Loh and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {A hierarchy of neuromechanical and robotic models of
    antenna-based wall following in cockroaches},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst},
    year = 2007,
    pages = {3547-3553},
    address = {San Diego, CA, USA},
    month = oct
  • [PDF] V. Kallem, D. E. Chang, and N. J. Cowan, “Task-induced symmetry and reduction in kinematic systems with application to needle steering,” in Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007, p. 3302–3308.
    author = {Vinutha Kallem and Dong Eui Chang and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Task-induced symmetry and reduction in kinematic
    systems with application to needle steering},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst},
    year = 2007,
    pages = {3302--3308},
    address = {San Diego, CA, USA},
    month = oct,
    note = {PMC2907182}
  • [PDF] V. Kallem, M. Dewan, J. P. Swensen, G. D. Hager, and N. J. Cowan, “Kernel-based visual servoing,” in Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007, p. 1975–1980.
    author = {Vinutha Kallem and Maneesh Dewan and John P. Swensen
    and Gregory D. Hager and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Kernel-based visual servoing},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst},
    year = 2007,
    pages = {1975--1980},
    address = {San Diego, CA, USA},
    month = oct
  • [PDF] [DOI] V. Kallem and N. J. Cowan, “Image-guided control of flexible bevel-tip needles,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Rome, Italy, 2007, p. 3015–3020.
    author = {Vinutha Kallem and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Image-guided control of flexible bevel-tip needles},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 2007,
    pages = {3015--3020},
    address = {Rome, Italy},
    month = apr,
    note = {PMC3043465},
    doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.2007.363930},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. J. Webster III, A. O. Okamura, and N. J. Cowan, “Toward active cannulas: miniature snake-like surgical robots,” in Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst, 2006, pp. 2857-2863.
    author = {Robert J. {Webster III} and Allison O. Okamura and
    Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Toward active cannulas: miniature snake-like
    surgical robots},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst},
    year = 2006,
    pages = {2857-2863},
    doi = {10.1109/IROS.2006.282073}
  • R. J. Webster III, N. J. Cowan, G. S. Chirikjian, and A. M. Okamura, “Nonholonomic Models for Needle Steering,” in Proc Int Symp Exp Robot, Singapore, 2006, p. 35–44.
    author = {Robert J. {Webster III} and Noah J. Cowan and
    Gregory S. Chirikjian and Allison M. Okamura},
    title = {Nonholonomic Models for Needle Steering},
    booktitle = {Proc Int Symp Exp Robot},
    year = 2006,
    editor = {Ang, Marcelo H. Jr and Khatib, Oussama},
    volume = 21,
    series = {Tracts in Advanced Robotics},
    pages = {35--44},
    address = {Singapore},
    month = jun
  • [PDF] W. Park, J. S. Kim, Y. Zhou, N. Cowan, A. M. Okamura, and G. Chirikjian, “Diffusion-based motion planning for a nonholonomic flexible needle model,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Barcelona, Spain, 2005, p. 4600–4605.
    author = {Wooram Park and Jin Seob Kim and Yu Zhou and Noah
    J. Cowan and Allison M. Okamura and Gregory
    S. Chirikjian},
    title = {Diffusion-based motion planning for a nonholonomic
    flexible needle model},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 2005,
    pages = {4600--4605},
    address = {Barcelona, Spain},
    month = apr,
    organization = {IEEE}
  • [PDF] A. Lamperski, O. Loh, B. Kutscher, and N. J. Cowan, “Dynamical wall-following for a wheeled robot using a passive tactile sensor,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, 2005, pp. 3838-3843.
    author = {Andrew Lamperski and Owen Loh and Brett Kutscher and
    Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Dynamical wall-following for a wheeled robot using a
    passive tactile sensor},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 2005,
    pages = {3838-3843}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Piazzi and N. J. Cowan, “Multi-view visual servoing using epipoles,” in Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst, Sendai, Japan, 2004, pp. 674-679.
    author = {Jacopo Piazzi and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Multi-view visual servoing using epipoles},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst},
    year = 2004,
    volume = 1,
    pages = {674-679},
    address = {Sendai, Japan},
    month = oct,
    doi = {10.1109/IROS.2004.1389430}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Piazzi, D. Prattichizzo, and N. Cowan, “Auto-epipolar visual servoing,” in Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst, Sendai. Japan, 2004, pp. 363-368.
    author = {Jacopo Piazzi and Domenico Prattichizzo and Noah
    J. Cowan},
    title = {Auto-epipolar visual servoing},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst},
    year = 2004,
    volume = 1,
    pages = {363-368},
    address = {Sendai. Japan},
    month = sep,
    doi = {10.1109/IROS.2004.1389379}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan, “Composing navigation functions on Cartesian products of manifolds with boundary,” in Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, 2004, p. 91–106.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Composing navigation functions on {C}artesian
    products of manifolds with boundary},
    booktitle = {Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = 2004,
    editor = {Michael Erdmann and David Hsu and Mark Overmars and
    A. Frank van der Stappen},
    series = {Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics},
    pages = {91--106}
  • [PDF] G. Lawrence, N. J. Cowan, and Stuart Russell, “Efficient gradient estimation for motor control learning,” in Proc Conf Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Acapulco, Mexico, 2003.
    author = {Gregory Lawrence and Noah J. Cowan and Stuart
    title = {Efficient gradient estimation for motor control
    booktitle = {Proc Conf Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
    year = 2003,
    address = {Acapulco, Mexico}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan, O. Shakernia, R. Vidal, and S. Sastry, “Vision-based follow-the-leader,” in Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst, Las Vegas, NV, 2003, pp. 1796-1801.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Omar Shakernia and Rene Vidal and
    Shankar Sastry},
    title = {Vision-based follow-the-leader},
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE RSJ Int Conf Intell Robots Syst},
    year = 2003,
    volume = 2,
    pages = {1796- 1801},
    address = {Las Vegas, NV},
    month = oct,
    organization = {IEEE}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan, E. J. Ma, M. Cutkosky, and R. J. Full, “A biologically inspired passive antenna for steering control of a running robot,” in Robotics Research, Siena, Italy, 2003, pp. 540-550.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Emily J. Ma and Mark Cutkosky and
    Robert J. Full},
    title = {A biologically inspired passive antenna for steering
    control of a running robot},
    booktitle = {Robotics Research},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = 2003,
    series = {Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics},
    pages = {540-550},
    address = {Siena, Italy}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan and D. E. Chang, “Toward geometric visual servoing,” in Control Problems in Robotics, Berlin Heidelberg, 2002, p. 233–248.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Dong Eui Chang},
    title = {Toward geometric visual servoing},
    booktitle = {Control Problems in Robotics},
    publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
    year = 2002,
    editor = {A. Bicchi and H. Christensen and D. Prattichizzo},
    volume = 4,
    series = {STAR, Springer Tracks in Advanced Robotics},
    pages = {233--248},
    address = {Berlin Heidelberg}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan, “Binocular visual servoing with a limited field of view,” in Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2002.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Binocular visual servoing with a limited field of
    booktitle = {Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems},
    year = 2002,
    address = {Notre Dame, Indiana},
    month = aug
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. J. Cowan, J. D. Weingarten, and D. Koditschek, “Empirical validation of a new visual servoing stragegy,” in Proc Conf Control Applications, Mexico City, 2001, pp. 1117-1123.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Joel D. Weingarten and Daniel
    E. Koditschek},
    title = {Empirical validation of a new visual servoing
    booktitle = {Proc Conf Control Applications},
    year = 2001,
    pages = {1117-1123},
    address = {Mexico City},
    doi = {10.1109/CCA.2001.974021}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan, G. A. D. Lopes, and D. Koditschek, “Rigid body visual servoing using navigation functions,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control, Sydney, Australia, 2000, pp. 3920-3926.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Gabriel A. D. Lopes and Daniel
    E. Koditschek},
    title = {Rigid body visual servoing using navigation
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf on Decision Control},
    year = 2000,
    pages = {3920-3926},
    address = {Sydney, Australia}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan and D. E. Koditschek, “Planar image based visual servoing as a navigation problem,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Detroit, MI, 1999, pp. 611-617.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Daniel E. Koditschek},
    title = {Planar image based visual servoing as a navigation
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 1999,
    volume = 1,
    pages = {611-617},
    address = {Detroit, MI}
  • [DOI] N. J. Cowan and D. E. Koditschek, “Toward global visual servos and estimators for rigid bodies,” in Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Leuven, Belgium, 1998, pp. 2658-2663.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Daniel E. Koditschek},
    title = {Toward global visual servos and estimators for rigid
    booktitle = {Proc IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom},
    year = 1998,
    volume = 3,
    pages = {2658-2663},
    address = {Leuven, Belgium},
    doi = {10.1109/ROBOT.1998.680747}

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Book Chapters

  • [PDF] S. A. Stamper, M. S. Madhav, N. J. Cowan, and E. S. Fortune, “Using Control Theory to Characterize Active Sensing in Weakly Electric Fishes,” in Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches, B. Carlson, J. Sisneros, A. Popper, and R. Fay, Eds., New York: Springer, 2019, vol. 70, p. 227–249.
    author = {Sarah A. Stamper and Manu S. Madhav and Noah J. Cowan and Eric S. Fortune},
    title = {Using Control Theory to Characterize Active Sensing in Weakly Electric Fishes},
    booktitle = {Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = 2019,
    editor = {Carlson, BA and Sisneros, JA and Popper, AN and Fay, RR},
    volume = 70,
    series = {Springer Handbook of Auditory Research},
    address = {New York}
  • [PDF] N. J. Cowan, K. Goldberg, G. S. Chirikjian, G. Fichtinger, R. Alterovitz, K. B. Reed, V. Kallem, W. Park, S. Misra, and A. M. Okamura, “Robotic Needle Steering: Design, Modeling, Planning, and Image Guidance,” in Surgical Robotics – Systems, Applications, and Visions, J. Rosen, B. Hannaford, and R. Satava, Eds., Springer, 2011, p. 557–582.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan and Ken Goldberg and Gregory S. Chirikjian and Gabor Fichtinger and Ron Alterovitz and Kyle B. Reed and Vinutha Kallem and Wooram Park and Sarthak Misra and Allison M. Okamura},
    title = {Robotic Needle Steering: Design, Modeling, Planning, and Image Guidance},
    booktitle = {Surgical Robotics -- Systems, Applications, and Visions},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = 2011,
    editor = {J. Rosen and B. Hannaford and R. Satava},
    pages = {557--582}
  • [PDF] E. S. Fortune and N. J. Cowan, “Robot Behavior,” in Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, M. D. Breed and J. Moore, Eds., Academic Press, Oxford, 2010, vol. 3, p. 87–90.
    author = {Eric S. Fortune and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Robot Behavior},
    booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior},
    publisher = {Academic Press, Oxford},
    year = 2010,
    editor = {Breed, Michael D. and Moore, Janice},
    volume = 3,
    pages = {87--90}
  • [PDF] J. P. Swensen, V. Kallem, and N. J. Cowan, “Empirical Characterization of Convergence Properties for Kernel-Based Visual Servoing,” in Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods, Springer, 2010, vol. 401, pp. 23-38.
    author = {John P. Swensen and Vinutha Kallem and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Empirical Characterization of Convergence Properties for Kernel-Based Visual Servoing},
    booktitle = {Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = 2010,
    volume = 401,
    pages = {23-38}
  • [PDF] J. Lee, A. Lamperski, J. Schmitt, and N. J. Cowan, “Task-Level Control of the Lateral Leg Spring Model of Cockroach Locomotion,” in Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and Feedback Control, M. Diehl and K. Mombaur, Eds., Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2006, vol. 340, pp. 167-188.
    author = {Jusuk Lee and Andrew Lamperski and John Schmitt and Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Task-Level Control of the Lateral Leg Spring Model of Cockroach Locomotion},
    booktitle = {Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and Feedback Control},
    publisher = {Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag},
    year = 2006,
    editor = {Moritz Diehl and Katja Mombaur},
    volume = 340,
    series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences},
    pages = {167-188}

[ Reviews | Preprints | Journal ArticlesConference Papers | Chapters | Theses | Abstracts | LIMBS Dataverse]

Theses & Dissertations

PhD Dissertations
  • [PDF] S. Deng, “Modeling and gait control for principally kinematic locomotion systems,” PhD Thesis, 2023.
    author = {Siming Deng},
    title = {Modeling and gait control for principally kinematic locomotion systems},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2023
  • [PDF] S. G. Lashkari, “Place cells to path planning: A neural study of complex locomotor behaviors as an inspiration for robotics,” PhD Thesis, 2023.
    author = {Shahin Gharakozlou Lashkari},
    title = {Place cells to path planning: A neural study of complex locomotor behaviors as an inspiration for robotics},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2023
  • [PDF] R. P. Jayakumar, “State estimation in complex biological systems,” PhD Thesis, 2019.
    author = {Ravikrishnan P. Jayakumar},
    title = {State estimation in complex biological systems},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2019
  • [PDF] R. W. Nickl, “Spatial and Timing Regulation of Upper-Limb Movements in Rhythmic Tasks,” PhD Thesis, 2018.
    author = {Robert W. Nickl},
    title = {Spatial and Timing Regulation of Upper-Limb Movements in Rhythmic Tasks},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2018
  • [PDF] E. E. Sutton, “Bioelectric Sensing and Navigation: Multimodal Control in Electric Fish and Catheter Navigation,” PhD Thesis, 2017.
    author = {Erin E. Sutton},
    title = {Bioelectric Sensing and Navigation: Multimodal Control in Electric Fish and Catheter Navigation},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2017
  • [PDF] M. M. Ankarali, “Variability, Symmetry, and Dynamics in Human Rhythmic Motor Control,” PhD Thesis, 2015.
    author = {M. Mert Ankarali},
    title = {Variability, Symmetry, and Dynamics in Human Rhythmic Motor Control},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2015,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] A. Demir, “Bio-inspired Antennal Tactile Sensing,” PhD Thesis, 2015.
    author = {Alican Demir},
    title = {Bio-inspired Antennal Tactile Sensing},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2015,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] S. Sefati, “Modeling Complex Biological and Mechanical Movements: Applications to Animal Locomotion and Gesture Classification in Robotic Surgery,” PhD Thesis, 2014.
    author = {Shahin Sefati},
    title = {Modeling Complex Biological and Mechanical Movements: Applications to Animal Locomotion and Gesture Classification in Robotic Surgery},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = {2014},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] M. S. Madhav, “Nonlinear Processing of Sensory Interference Drives Social Behavior in Weakly Electric Fish,” PhD Thesis, 2014.
    author = {Manu S. Madhav},
    title = {Nonlinear Processing of Sensory Interference Drives Social Behavior in Weakly Electric Fish},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2014,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] S. A. Stamper, “Making sense: weakly electric fish modulate sensory feedback via social behavior and movement,” PhD Thesis, 2012.
    author = {Sarah A. Stamper},
    title = {Making sense: weakly electric fish modulate sensory feedback via social behavior and movement},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = {2012},
    note = {Advisor: E. S. Fortune}
  • [PDF] E. Roth, “Task-level models for image-stabilization behaviors in animals,” PhD Thesis, 2012.
    author = {Eatai Roth},
    title = {Task-level models for image-stabilization behaviors in animals},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = {2012},
    url = {}
  • [PDF] V. Kallem, “Vision-Based Control on Lie Groups with Application to Needle Steering,” PhD Thesis, 2008.
    author = {Vinutha Kallem},
    title = {Vision-Based Control on Lie Groups with Application to Needle Steering},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2008,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] J. P. Swensen, “Torsional Dynamics and Rotational Estimation of Tip-steerable Needles,” PhD Thesis, 2011.
    author = {John P. Swensen},
    title = {Torsional Dynamics and Rotational Estimation of Tip-steerable Needles},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2011,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] J. Lee, “Identifying Feedback Control Strategies of Running Cockroaches and Humans,” PhD Thesis, 2009.
    author = {Jusuk Lee},
    title = {Identifying Feedback Control Strategies of Running Cockroaches and Humans},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2009,
    url = {}
  • N. J. Cowan, “Vision-based Control via Navigation Functions,” PhD Thesis, 2001.
    author = {Noah J. Cowan},
    title = {Vision-based Control via Navigation Functions},
    school = {University of Michigan},
    year = 2001,
    url = {}
MSE Theses
  • [PDF] D. G. Yared, “Learning of Novel Dynamics in Eigenmannia virescens Refuge Tracking Task,” Master Thesis, 2020.
    author = {Dominic G. Yared},
    title = {Learning of Novel Dynamics in Eigenmannia virescens Refuge Tracking Task},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2020
  • [PDF] Y. Yang, “A Comparison of System Identification Techniques for Refuge Tracking Behavior in Eigenmannia virescens,” Master Thesis, 2020.
    author = {Yu Yang},
    title = {A Comparison of System Identification Techniques for Refuge Tracking Behavior in Eigenmannia virescens},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2020
  • [PDF] A. S. S. K. Kunapareddy, “Recovering Observability via Active Sensing,” Master Thesis, 2016.
    author = {Abhinav S. S. K. Kunapareddy},
    title = {Recovering Observability via Active Sensing},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2016,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] A. De, “Neuromechanical Control of Paddle Juggling,” Master Thesis, 2010.
    author = {Avik De},
    title = {Neuromechanical Control of Paddle Juggling},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2010,
    url = {}
  • [PDF] A. Demir, “A Modular, Tunable Tactile Antenna for Exploring the Mechanics of Sensing,” Master Thesis, 2009.
    author = {Alican Demir},
    title = {A Modular, Tunable Tactile Antenna for Exploring the Mechanics of Sensing},
    school = {Johns Hopkins University},
    year = 2009,
    url = {}

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Conference Abstracts

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